Refund Policy

Refunds and returns for products or services provided by Cedric Burl & Company (hereinafter referred to as "the Company") will be outlined in the specific agreement between the Company and the client. As the Company utilizes various vendors and services to fulfill client needs, refund and return policies may vary depending on the nature of the product or service.

1. Refunds: The refund policy for each product or service will be clearly stated in the agreement. Clients are encouraged to review this policy before engaging the services of the Company. Refunds may be provided in accordance with the terms outlined in the agreement and are subject to any applicable fees or conditions.

2.Returns: For physical products or tangible items provided by the Company, the return process and policy will be detailed in the agreement. Clients may be required to adhere to specific return procedures and timelines in order to qualify for a return. Returns are subject to inspection and approval by the Company.

3.Vendor Policies: In cases where the Company utilizes third-party vendors or services to fulfill client orders, the refund and return policies of these vendors may apply. Clients will be informed of any applicable vendor policies and terms prior to engaging the services of the Company.

4.Exceptions: Certain products or services may be non-refundable or non-returnable due to their nature or the terms specified by the vendor. Any exceptions to the refund and return policies will be clearly communicated to the client in the agreement.

5.Contact Information: Clients should direct any inquiries or requests regarding refunds or returns to the designated contact person or department within the Company. Contact information will be provided in the agreement for easy reference.

By engaging the services of Cedric Burl & Company, clients acknowledge that the refund and return policies may vary depending on the specific products or services provided and agree to abide by the terms outlined in the agreement.